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Hello I'm

Vladislav Gryadko

Frontend Developer

Vladislav Gryadko

About Me

  • About Me

    Name: Vladislav Gryadko

    Age: 21

    Position: Frontend Developer

    Experience: 1 year

    Languages: English, Ukraine, Russia

    Phone: +38(066)-651-93-28


    Locate: Ukraine, Odessa

  • Web Development

    My journey as a developer started when I was still in college, I started learning Python, it was my first programming language. Then my attention completely moved to websites development. I always studied everything by myself and when I visited some interactive websites, I was always interested in how to create something similar or something better, it always amazed me how it was done and how can I do the same?

    While I was learning html css js at the same time I started to get interested in different builders such as Gulp and Webpack, made my own builds for development with different preprocessors for HTML and CSS, site optimization and more.

    When I realized that I wanted more, I found my first job, and at the same time I fulfilled my first orders. I began to actively study React, I have always been attracted to something interesting and difficult. Now I can easily create simple and difficult web applications using React and use different other technologies.

    Now I spend all my free time studying Web3, learning technologies like Solidity, Hardhat, Ethers, Metamask, Blockchain, creating smart contracts, deploying on Testnet/Localnet/Mainnet, testing and creating UI. Already had a chance to work with these technologies in practice. I want to become a professional in this area and contribute my small part in the development of this sphere.

My skills

  • Technical Skills

    • CSS Preprocessing
    • Frameworks
    • Responsive Design
    • Version Control/Git
    • Browser Developer Tools
    • Testing
  • Soft Skills

    • Communication
    • Teamwork
    • Problem-solving
    • Time Management
    • Flexibility
    • Attention to details
    • Creativity
    • Adaptivity

My Experience

  • Work Exp.

    Frontend Developer at RexIT

    Responsibility :

    • Validity HTML
    • Pug (Jade) & Twig
    • CSS & SASS & SCSS
    • Adaptive & Responsive
    • Mobile & Desktop first
    • Pixelperfect
    • BEM Methodology
    • Create PDF files
    • Bootstrap 5 Theme (CRM)
    • WowJS & AnimateCSS & Green Sock & React Spring
    • chartJS
    • jQuery & jQuery UI
    • React & Redux & Typescript
    • Gulp & Webpack & Parcel
    • Web3 Technologies
    • Gatsby

    Frontend Developer at Smart Plus

    Responsibility :

    • Validity HTML
    • CSS & LESS
    • Adaptive & Responsive
    • Mobile & Desktop first
    • Pixelperfect
    • BEM Methodology
    • Native Javascript
    • Support Legacy code
    • Site Optimization
  • Education

    Computer Engineering at Odessa Technical College

    Studied in the specialty "Computer Engineering".

    As a result of received the Diploma "Junior Specialist".


  • Exoqual
  • AngelsAndDemons
  • Dca
  • Robotto
  • BatGirl
  • Iggy
  • Zappyeels
  • wmcdacktpa
  • ttf
  • Rexit
  • Classy Essay Writer
  • Custom Written Papers
  • Essay Writing Services
  • Take My Exam